Economic Resilience and Employment | Personal and Community Resilience | Education and Recreation
Our assistance is geared towards personal, societal and economic resilience during this period of war and rehabilitation.
With the goal of providing a planned, optimized and strategic response, we will shortly narrow our focus to three specific medium- and long-term challenges.
Examples for immediate and mid-term needs:
* Informal education and leisure activities for evacuees
* Social-emotional centers for youth at-risk
* Mental health support for victims and their family members
* Support for reservists
* Providing mental support and training for first responders who worked directly with the victims
* Guidance and Advocacy Understanding and Accessing Eligible State Beneifts
* Support for small businesses
Leaving details is necessary to prevent duplication of the donation and not to collect any information
You can also directly contact Anat Danis, director of the philanthropy desk at [email protected]
"*" אינדוקטור שדות חובה